Did you know SET Solutions, LLC is on LinkedIn? Click here to follow and stay informed on OSHA updates, safety management facts and articles, course...
Safety Improvement Audits
By: Pam Tompkins, CSP, CUSP, CUSA
Audit? Just the thought of participating in an audit brings frightening thoughts. Think of an IRS audit, it can’t mean good...
Fall Protection Requirements
When OSHA passed the new Walking and Working Surfaces Standard for the General Industry in 2016 they also updated the fall protection requirements in the Regulations Standard...
Information Sharing Requirements
Information sharing is required when a contract employer/subcontractor is working in a covered process
Information sharing applies when:
Work is performed as a “Qualified...
Host employer responsibilities regarding distribution of safety information
Did you know, before any work begins, that Host employers must inform Contract employers of know conditions that are related to the safety of the work to be performed,...
SAFETY … Perception vs. Reality
By: Matt Edmonds, CHST and Pam Tompkins, CSP, CUSP
In today’s world perceptions can sometimes be a far cry from reality. We often hear and see things that shape our perceptions...
Does a Host Employer have any responsibility for subcontractors performing non-electrical work inside restricted work areas?
The answer is Yes!
Host Employers have the responsibility to develop and implement appropriate procedures to ensure required information is communicated effectively to...
Does Your Company Have an Effective Safety Management System?
Your safety program can have fully developed rules and procedures, a top-notch training program and the best safety equipment and tools money can buy – and there is still...
Auditing for Safety Improvement
The mere thought of participating in an audit can be unnerving. Consider IRS audits for a moment – they can never mean good news, right? So why would an organization want...
Electric Power, Leadership Development, Management, Safety Culture
Understanding Safety Culture Through Perception Surveys
If you asked workers at your company who is responsible for their safety, how do you think they would answer that question? Would they say the safety director is responsible,...
Leadership Development, Management, Safety Culture, Surveys, Training