Comprehensive Safety Improvement
Do You Know Your Company’s Current State of Safety?
SET Solutions will conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine what steps need to be taken in order to move your company from its’ current state of safety to its desired, future state of safety. A combination of data analysis, document review, interviews and work observations will be used during the Assessment.
Our assessment methodology is based on industry best practices as outlined in ANSI Z10 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Our consultants will perform a gap analysis using the ANSI Z10 standard components to determine areas within your safety management system that may need strengthening. The assessment will include the following areas of focus:
- Identify specific factors of the present state of safety (“what is”)
- Identify factors needed to achieve the future objectives of the safety process (“what should be”)
- Identify gaps that exist in the safety process and need to be filled
- Work with Management to determine a plan to fill the identified gaps (Optional)