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Employee Training For Nonelectrical Workers – Question and Answer

Which of the following is true in respect to the training required for employees whose work is nonelectrical in nature, but directly associated with a covered installation area as defined by OSHA 29 CFR1910.269 and 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart V:




  1. The employee must know what is safe to touch and what is not safe to touch in the specific area where they will be working
  2. The employee must know what the maximum voltage of the area is
  3. The employee must know the MADs (minimum approach distances) for the maximum voltage within the area, and the skills/techniques necessary to maintain those distances
  4. The employee must be trained in the recognition and proper use of protective equipment that will be used to provide protection for them
  5. The employee must be trained in the work practices necessary for performing their specific work tasks within the area
  6. The employee must be trained to recognize the electrical hazards to which they may be exposed, as well as the skills and techniques necessary to control or avoid these hazards
  7. All of the above

The answer is g. All of the above.

Although the training required for qualified nonelectrical workers is not as comprehensive as the training normally required for qualified electrical workers, they are still required to have minimum training including all of the topics discussed above.
