Root Cause Analysis Course
Do You Know How to Determine the Root Cause of Incidents in Order to Determine the Appropriate Improvement Actions?
This course is taught in a 2-day format. Participants will learn and demonstrate how to analyze an incident to determine causal factors and the root cause(s) of an incident. Basic causal factors, including the root cause, must be determined before a plan can be developed. If the root cause is not determined, the conditions which allowed the event to occur may still be present in the workplace. This course will include an activity allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of how to conduct a root cause analysis by analyzing an incident in a small group setting. This course can be tailored to Electric Power organizations. This course will include:
- Why conduct a Root Cause Analysis
- When a Root Cause Analysis should be conducted.
- An example of an incident with a complete walk through of the steps used to conduct a Root Cause Analysis by using a Timeline and Causal Analysis Chart.
- How to develop corrective actions.
- How to communicate the results.
- Final Activity – Participants will demonstrate their understanding of how to conduct a root cause analysis by analyzing an incident in a small group setting. Groups will present their conclusions to the class and receive feedback.